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Laser Engraving

Laser engraving is the process used in which a laser beam physically removes the surface of a material, typically metal, exposing a cavity that reveals an image at eye level.

"LASER" is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. In order to create a laser, we raise the energy level of atoms to an excited state, which then allows them to release light as they fall back to their original energy level. Once the beam of light is sent, it is then amplified to produce a focal point.

As the atoms move they create weak light, and more energy is then added, which renders the light waves into a more concentrated form. The difference between other forms of light such as a light bulb, is that the light rays of lasers all have the same wavelength and are coherent, this is what creates such a powerful concentration of energy.

Our lasers create high temperatures while engraving, which causes the surface material to vaporize. This creates a cavity that is visible to the eye and touchable. To form deeper marks, we repeat the process several times.

At Laser Finishing our specialty involves laser engraving cavity ID numbers, product part numbers, as well as logo engraving on Mold Max, carbon electrodes, stainless steel, and typically all types of tool steel.

Laser Logo Engraving
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